4-part Multi-timbral
A/B Patch Morphing
Desktop/Rack Mountable Synth Module
NINA combines the functionality, versatility and compatibility of modern digital equipment with the hands-on tactility and lush sound of classic analog synths. The result is a massive sounding analog polysynth, with an intuitive interface and workflow that gives you more control during composition and live performance.

2 VCOs +
Digital Wavetable
The combination of two analog VCOs, a Digital Wavetable Oscillator and ‘Moog’ style Ladder Filter gives NINA the undeniable warm, rich sound of classic analog synths. View Block Diagram.
Innovation +
Nina is designed to be a joy to work & play with. We’ve combined modern technology and automation to enhance the playing experience, allowing you to be freer to focus on the music.
• Motorised, automatable, assignable control panel
• Recallable and easy-to-use Modulation Matrix
• 12-Voice Polyphony and MPE compatibility
• Classic onboard effects
• 400+ factory presets and storage for up to 16,000!
NINA’s motorized controllers
We have developed our own motorized controller to replace the potentiometers in a traditional synth.
Our design is based on a brushless drone motor with our own ultra-hires optical sensor. These brushless motors and contactless optical sensors are extremely robust with a lifetime rating in excess of 50 million cycles, which is 500 times more than conventional pots.
*patent pending
Feel the difference
with haptic feedback
Nina’s motorized controllers bring a new level of tactility to the user experience. The result is the feel, subtlety and precision of a real analog potentiometer, while having instant recall and haptics.
With haptics, the knobs can change dynamically from smooth to detented to multi-position switches. The end experience is far more useful and engaging than a standard analog pot.
Multi-timbral Setups & Sounds
Matt Johnson demonstrates how you can use Nina’s multi-timbral configurations, with multiple layers, multiple keyboards and Nina’s A/B morphing to create some sweet sounds. Check out Matt’s full Nina preview on his youtube channel. NINA: Not just a pretty face!
Nina Presets designed by Matt are available - Download from our Presets page.

NINA Features Demo
Thanks to Noisegate in Melbourne.
A Motorized future
The team at Store DJ in Australia has been putting NINA to the test. Mike earther._ takes Nina into a new dimension and demonstrates some of the lesser known features. Learn more about Nina’s Modulation Matrix, Multi-timbral layering and sounds.
NINA is available to try at many of our Dealer Stores. Find your closest location here.

Nina makes 12 analog voices of MPE playing possible, combining MPE functionality with Nina’s 4 multi-timbral layers. Stacked presets can be MPE controlled, or multiple MPE zones, controllers or standard MIDI keyboards can be assigned different channels.
MPE mode offers parameters so it can work correctly with popular MPE controllers, and adds a Decay envelope for expressive sound control on MPE Aftertouch and CC74. Expressive E Osmose, Ableton Push 3, Embodme ERAE Touch and Linnstrument are just some examples of the MPE controllers you can connect to NINA.
We recently teamed with Expressive E and sound designer, James Terris, to create an exclusive MPE Preset pack, crafted just for the Osmose X NINA combination. And now with the addition of Morph Modulation, MPE capabilities are continually improving!
Waveform and Wavetable Visualizers
Nina’s waveform Visualiser allows you to see shapes evolving as you create them, and allows a better understanding of the dynamics of Nina’s SPIN and panning features. Oscilloscope and XY view modes are avaiable.
The wavetable visualiser provides a simple representation of the available wavetables, making it easier to find the perfect sound.
Melbourne Instruments’ NINA SESSIONS are a chance for us to show off our Nina Synthesizer, and also an opportunity for us to showcase some of Melbourne’s incredible musical talent. For our first Nina Session, we are excited to present local Melbourne duo, CLOSE COUNTERS performing original tunes from their latest album, ‘SOULACOASTA II’.
We asked Close Counters to choose some of their songs that they thought would be interesting to play on Nina. It was their idea to use two Ninas, and create a live improvised rendition of their song 'BREAK FROM IT' using only Ninas, their Nord Stage keys and a TR-8S drum machine.
Love it? Check out Close Counters
NINA Specifications
3 Oscillators per voice. 2 Analog VCOs, 1 Digital Wavetable.
Oscillator 1 & 2 with waveforms morphable between triangle to sawtooth and PWM square-wave.
Sub octave mode for VCO 1 square wave.
Hard Sync Oscillator 2 from VCO 1.
Fine & Course tune control with up to 8 octave range.
96kHz 24bit Wavetable Oscillator Resolution.
User loadable Wavetables.
Selectable Fuzz & Noise sources - Pink, White, Oscillator 1 & 2 XOR (Fuzz).
LFO with selectable shapes, through-zero modulatable rate & level controls.
Classic 4 pole transistor ladder VCF
Modulatable resonance, available as a matrix destination.
Extremely over-drivable, or perfectly smooth low noise modes.
Dedicated control for Envelope to Cutoff modulation amount.
Traditional ADSR envelope with ultra-fast slopes possible.
Melbourne Instruments designed four-quadrant (through zero) VCA.
Stereo: 2 VCAs per voice.
Infinite panning.
Play up to 12 voices in unison or polyphonically.
Mono Triggered and Legato modes.
Selectable polyphonic panning schemes
Extensive modulation matrix. 16 sources to 27 destinations. No bus count limitation.
Morphable modulation settings.
Quick to edit MOD mode. Select a source and dial in amounts instantly on control panel.
All MOD amounts are through zero (bipolar)
Morph between patches to create new timbres.
Morph entire patch including Modulation Matrix.
2 x ADSR envelopes available as mod sources
Modulate Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release, and Level using velocity or any other mod source
Up to 4 layers for 4 Timbres controllable via MIDI channel and note ranges
User selectable number of assigned voices per layer
Optional linked note ranges across layers for quick keyboard splits & layering
Apply 3 effects simultaneously in series or parallel, using independent levels and up to 3 effects slots.
Upgradable VST3 effects algorithms built on an Open Source architecture.
96kHz 24bit resolution
Parallel or Series mix modes. Parallel mode retains analog sound.
• Up to 16 Step Polyphonic
• Adjustable note value
• Hold mode
• Send Sequencer to Arpeggiator
• Tempo sync from external source
Hackable Open Source software built on a powerful Raspberry Pi 4 running Elk Audio OS.
Audio Out
4 assignable line level outputs.
Stereo main outputs with effects.
Aux outputs (3 & 4).
Headphone output.
Audio In
3 TRS Balanced Line or CV Inputs.
1 TRS/XLR Combo. Mic for line/CV input.
CV +/-10V max. Analog gain and offset trim.
Weight: 5.5kg (12.1lb)
Dimensions (length x width x depth): 446mm x 230mm x 71mm.
Solid metal construction.
19” rack mount ears available.
Audio Samples from NINA
Listen to some short Audio Samples below for a taste of the unique NINA sound and presets. Most Audio Samples here use the associated preset, for example, Autobahn Bass is NINA’s Autobahn Bass preset.
Dām Funk X NINA
The new Dām Funk preset pack contains 25 unique presets created by one of favorite Producers & Musicians, Dām Funk. Preview more sounds on the Presets page or view all at our Soundcloud page.
Lead Sounds
Bass Sounds
Piano / Keys
Layered Sounds
Find more at our SOUNDCLOUD page.
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Latest NINA Presets

NINA Voice Block Diagram
v1.01 Aug 2022